Spring 2019
Newsletter for Spring 2019
Winds of Truth Spring Newsletter March 2019
If we look to Nature, of which we are a part, as the Book of Life, the recent extreme weather conditions seen in the U.S.A., Australia and unusually warm, sunny weather here in the U.K., mirrors the chaos and uncertainty surrounding us which many people are experiencing in their personal lives. How can we feel any semblance of security as values and much that we hold dear are being swept away?
One way is to look to the third Solar Plane in the Winds of Truth channellings, ruled by Ithuriel, known as Archangel Uriel, the Green Ray of Nature Growth as we in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy the emergence of Spring with the rebirth of Nature bringing new life and new growth. According to the Channellings this is the only ray that was passed to Uriel by Jesus; thus is Nature God manifest.
The Winds of Truth came from London in 1939 to Glastonbury when Dion Fortune, founder of the Society of Inner Light based in London & Glastonbury, returned to London. In her book “Glastonbury Avalon of the heart”, published in 1930 she wrote of “one of the secret green roads of the soul, the mystic Way that leads through the Hidden Door into a land known only to the eye of vision”.
And of the moors and levels that lie between Glastonbury and Burnham-on-Sea where the new Sanctuary is:-
“Around stretch the moors with their willows and water-cuts and the banked straight streams and sluices that can only flow out into the sea at low water. It is a green land, a kindly land”.
The channellings state that in order to create a seed or bulb, the Green Ray combined with the Fifth Golden Creative Ray ruled by Buddha. For more details refer to the Winds of Truth books.
This concept is expressed simply by Dylan Thomas as:-
“The force that drives through the green fuse drives the flower”, thus mirroring the green flash sometimes seen before sunrise.
“As above, so below, so below, as above”. All life needs warmth and light to grow. Scented flowers are created when the Amethyst Ray of Perfume ruled by King Arthur is mixed with the Green and Gold Rays.
Then the Little People, fairies or nature spirits weave mantles of protection over the seeds and bulbs. Our fairy tales hold great truths especially the beautifully illustrated Flower Fairies series by Cicely Mary Barber.
An acronym for “gnome” is guarding naturally over Mother Earth, something we all need to act upon as it is apparent that is all not well with Nature from the use of pesticides, pollution and global warming as our lifestyles become increasingly unsustainable. The future lies within our hands as we are all guardians of Mother Earth.
An enchanting book about Nature for adults and children alike is “The Secret Garden” by Frances Dodgson Burnett in which she wrote:
“There is magic in the garden- Nature's magic”.
We can attune to this by being outside gardening, visiting a park in we live in a flat, town or city and appreciating the beauty of nature and absorbing Nature's healing balm as in green, the colour of balance and harmony, our spirits can rest. Green is a tonic to our minds and bodies and each spring green shoot of hope within us can be renewed.
We can partake of Nature's bounty on a physical level by eating bitter greens- such as kale, spinach, watercress, wild garlic and nettles, always a tonic but especially so in spring after the heavier foods of winter.
A simple way to bring Nature into our lives is to watch the sunrise which prepares us for the day and sunset when we come back to ourselves so attune to the rhythms of Nature.
This can be done regardless of our circumstances for, as Mary Webb wrote:-
“Dawn, see through a sick woman's window, however narrow, pulses with the same fresh wonder as it does over the whole width of the sea”.
By watching sunrise we are linking past, present and future from the early dawn rite in Yanini, know also as Lemuria, in the Winds of Truth, channellings through the ancient Mystery Temples to us today and into the future.
Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote that:-
“Sunrise is magic” and in the Christian Mysteries of Easter the sunrise on Easter Sunday is called “Mystic Sunrise” as it symbolises the Resurrection of Christ and the knowledge that the spirit is eternal, symbolised in Nature by the daffodil, also called the Lenten Lily.
Wherever we live or whatever season, by appreciating and enjoying nature, regardless of our outer circumstances, we can feel a sense of security, continuity and well-being in these testing times. As more people become guardians of Mother Earth, the grip of materialism will lessen its hold- it is happening now and the holiness of life is being realised, the aim of any spiritual path expressed so well the following lines from William Blake’s' “Auguries of Innocence”:
“To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour”
The Trustees wish you all a very happy and peaceful Easter.
Researched and written by Jane Marshall- Trustee of The Winds of Truth.